【作詞】:Ombulin 【作曲】:Minski
春雨後大地已經濕透 卻把您的足跡已湮沒
秋風颼颼 法音雖盡遍四洲
天空之遼闊 依偎着山明水秀
被遺忘的城廓 並非海市蜃樓
高山之寬闊 依偎著白雲出岫
別遺忘這星球 它並非海市蜃樓
願為師父不斷守候 您的光輝在我左右
沒有您牽著的手 前方的路該怎麼行走
我的期盼不會停休 求您不要揮揮衣袖
躊躇的時候 或淨信不夠
失落的童子們 又誰來拯救
%09Missing My Grand Master – I Will Wait on You Forever
Lyricist:Ombulin Composer:Minski
Verse 1:
The spring rainfall nurtures every corner of this land,
But carelessly erases all traces of your footprints.
The gust of wind in fall praises
Your enlightening words of Dharma
That are reaching out to all Four Continents,
But ignorantly blows away your familiar laughter.
Bridge 1:
The unimaginably boundless sky,
Cherished by beautiful mountains and rivers,
Is never lonely.
This land may have been forgotten,
But it is never a mirage.
Bridge 2:
The incredible grandeur of the gigantic mountain,
Caressed by white clouds wishing to come foster alongside,
Is never lonely.
Please do not forget about this planet upon which we reside.
It is not a mirage.
I will wait on you forever, my Grand Master!
May your light of deliverance accompany me at all times!
I need your hands holding mine,
For I am afraid of losing my way otherwise.
I will be ever longing for the day of our reunion.
Please do not leave me behind,
Whenever you bid us goodbye.
When we are at a loss, or lack the faith to follow the path,
We are like orphans without shelter,
Dying for the most compassionate warmth and protection
Granted by no savior except you.
(Honored by no savior except you.)