Appearances Wear Thin

Whippersnapper Appearances Wear Thin專輯

4.23 Years

twenty three years since the last revolution twenty one miles to
the nearest filling station riding through the night without a
destination to kick out the jams for the next generation.
There's a murderer walking through your mind and a hero flawless
in design. Its up to you to take a side. But nevermind cause
we're saying something you don't want to hear. Tired of waking
up will somebody turn the channel? Tried to watch the news but
its more than I can handle Open up your eyes and tell me what
you see Kick down the doors and blow up the TV Don't worry You
can save yourself. The answer's not in anybody else. But
nevermind cause we're saying something you don't want to hear.
Say a prayer for the next generation suicides and Saturday
nights. There's nothing great for the next generation, we've got
to stand take control of our lives. But nevermind cause we're
saying something you don't want to hear.