3.Rock the beat
4.Humanity(album version)
ピッと出てきて 即大盛況
Dance Number 今日も猛反響
Made in Japan のHIP HOP最強
Microphone握り汗ぬぐい さあ行こう
D・A を筆頭に 騒げ存分に
盛り上げようぜ 最高に
How many people on the floor? So shiny
Diveの嵐 続くShow time
Party tune 流し かますこのRhyme
Beatにのっけて 鳴らす韻のChime
さあ登りつめよう より高くClimb
時代を邁進 常に前進
世代の知性 未だ未完成の感性
導かれた Center position
既に High tension 気にもしないCondition
Check 1,2 からはじまるSession
Microphone 手にして“Attention”
あふれ出す言葉はNon fiction
Punks, B boy鮮やかな Fashion
肌で感じてけ このEmotion
Turntable,Pitch adjust set
Smoothに a-dat Reset
かけぬける Bass Snare drum Rim shot
足もとえぐる Neo tiger shoot
Drive shoot 突き破れ Goal net
時に仲間のために Assist“チェスト!”
ぶちのめせ恐怖心 そしたら決めてけ
Hair style set
かき立てられ FloorではMosh
飛び交うFlash 脱ぎなChemical wash
ここに集う仲間と共に巻き起こす Boom
あくまでStylish Smash 打ち込むLyric
辛いとき思い出しな あの坂Dash
Finish 決めるLast pass
CenterとばしてみせるScrew pass
Allow me to pass,Look at back stage pass
好奇心 常に持つ精神
Antennaから そこら中に発信
進化を続け真実かかげ いくぜ音楽Sceneに突進
6.Let yourself go,Let myself go
(ラップ)そう目覚めの悪い朝から始まる 静まる空気を呼び覚まし
染まる太陽に少し目を逸らし止まる がなる友達の声が聞こえてくる
東へ西へ日々は流れ それぞれに何か表現し続け
頬を撫でる風は涼しげ 何気に何かをつかみかけてる今
正念場で場つなぎの笑顔 ふりまくたびに感じる敗北感
歓喜の中へ飛び込む時 脳裏を横切るのはそう責任感
止まることが許されぬ今 生き急ぐことを選んだ過去
がんじがらめの生活の中 後押しするキミ達の声が響く
空気を吸って 未来へと進め
キミ達の声が響く限り 箱船は揺れ続けていく
(ラップ)行くあても無く漂うのではなく 見据えた夢目指して舵をとる
かすかでも確実に前進 大切なのは前に出る姿勢
恐れからくる一歩の遅れ それがもたらす致命的なLoss
悩む前に体で反応 勇気あるものが持ちうる本能
駆け抜けろ時代を 未来へと進め 空気を吸って
振りほどけ恐れを 大地を踏みしめ歩き出そう
満たされぬ世界 塗りつぶして進め
キミ達の声が包み込んだ この場所からまた歩き出そう
(ラップ)光り輝く空の向こう 突き抜けたいと思うなら進もう
猛然とただ立ち向かい続け 疲れたらここでひとやすみ
東へ西へ日々は流れ それぞれに何か表現し続け
頬をなでる風は涼しげ 今は目の前の敵を睨みつけろ
突き抜けろ空へ 両手をいっぱいに広げて行こう
蹴り飛ばせ不安を 今は目の前のドアを開けよう
7.Dark cherries
It's really windy today
Are you ready or not for fly
We set out to reach
the summit of a mountain
Are you ready or not for fly
The snow board season has come!
Here's our chance! Catch the orion
He gave marvelous trick on the air
Let's give him a big big hand
I lost my position when
I've been kicked in the face
Please give me a big big hand
The snow board season has come!
Here's our chance! Catch the orion
※Go Dark cherries move on
We got pride and friendship
Move your body
Go Dark cherries move on
Over the sky-high mountain
We got fighting spirits※
Sometime pray to god for help
Everybody wanna get the glory
Sometime smoke a ciger on the summit
Everybody wanna get the glory
The snow board season has come!
Here's our chance! Catch the orion
I wish I were a bird
I wish I were a bird
We wish we were bird
We wish we were bird
8.Drugs can't kill teens
No,I don't need some drugs
Just I want myself
We face with difficulty one last effort
Yes,anybody hurts lead too hard life
But we can share joys
and sorrows with each other
With the best will in the world,
we can't be perfect
But it's early to give up
With the best will
in the world,We can't be good loser
'Cause we're dreamer,never say die
I don't neednsome drugs I want myself
Stand in block our ways something
We lead too fuckin' hard life
Fight for myself Fight for yourself
Fight for myself Fight for yourself
Why don't you tell me friend?
Make it know to me
You don't have to shoulder all
Take it easy
Why don't you kiss me baby?
I'm waiting so long
Give me some more your smile
Don't give me sad look
With the best will in the world,
we can't be perfect
But it's early to give up
With the best will in the world,
We can't be good loser
'Cause we're dreamer, never say die
Why don't you tell me? Talk to me
You don't have to shoulder all
Give me some more your smile
Fight for myself Fight for yourself
Fight for myself Fight for yourself
Drugscan't kill teens,
spirits any more any more
Drugs can't kill teens,
spirits any more any more
9.Just I'll say
Rain or shine, love you with all my heart
My girl, don't look so sad
Can't get you out of my mind
It's rainy hard outside
I do nothing but lie around
I never did mean to hurt your feelings
Tears trickled down your cheeks when you left
How could I do for you
Stop crying now and give me a smile
Just held hands with you
That was all I could really do
To tell the truth, I got scared when I heard you crying
So I did not ask you reason 'bout tears
Since you left
(My room) is a terrible mess
(Myself) Thinking of only you all day long
(My girl) I still love you, if I can see you again
Just I'll say
(My room) is a terrible mess
(Myself) Thinking of only you all day long
(My girl) I still love you, if I can see you again
Just I'll say
Rain or shine, love you with all my heart
My girl, don't look so sad
Can't get you out of my mind
It's rainy hard outside
I do nothing but lie around
I never did mean to hurt your feelings
Tears trickled down your cheeks when you left
Since you left
(My room) is a terrible mess
(Myself) Thinking of only you all day long
(My girl) I still love you, if I can see you again
Just I'll say
(My room) is a terrible mess
(Myself) Thinking of only you all day long
(My girl) I still love you, if I can see you again
Just I'll say
Rain or shine, love you with all my heart
My girl, don't look so…
My girl, don't look so…
My girl, don't look so sad
10.Fool around
Some as always, it's already dark in the sky
When I was awakened by a phone call from friend
I take a shower first, brush my teeth
And wear black jeans
It's 'bout time to go so get in a white Mustang!
The super machine's pickin' up speed
I don't care 'bout bull shit plans
I wanna just fool around
'Cause always pressed for time
Shall we take a rest for a while? Don't rush
Some as always, it's already dark in the sky
When I was awakened by a phone call from friend
I take a shower first, brush my teeth
And wear black jeans
It's 'bout time to go so get in a white Mustang!
The super machine's pickin' up speed
I don't care 'bout bull shit plans
I wanna just fool around
'Cause always pressed for time
Shall we take a rest for a while? Don't rush
11.Freedom of Expression
Rock'n' Roll it was my adolescence
Born in fuckin'country
Hip Hop music it's my everything to me it's like a hymn
When I suffer in mind, I'll keep on singin' maybe
'Cause I don't wanna lose
Freedom of Expression
Rock'n' Roll it was my adolescence
Born in fuckin' country
Hip Hopmusic it's my everything to me it's like a hymn
When I fall in love I'll keep on writin' songs
'cause I don't wanna stiff emotion
I'm loser so fuckin' what?
I'm smoker so fuckin' what?
I'm Japanese so fuckin' what?
I'm winner so fuckin' what?
Rock'n' Roll it was my adolescence
Born in fuckin'country
Hip Hop music it's my everything to me it's like a hymn
When I suffer in mind, I'll keep on singin' maybe
'Cause I don't wanna lose
Freedom of Expression
I'm pinhead you right
But I don't wanna hide-face life
Give me some more time for thinkin'
bout love and the music
Stand up people
Say something
I'm loser so fuckin' what?
I'm smoker so fuckin' what?
I'm Japanese so fuckin' what?
I'm winner so fuckin' what?
I'm loser so fuckin' what?
I'm smoker so fuckin' what?
I'm Japanese so fuckin' what?
I'm winner so fuckin' what?
So what?
So fuckin' what?
12.Nouvelle Vague #2
13.Viva La Revolution
太陽は窓の外をあざやかに照らし また新しい一日もたらし
ちっぽけな壁なんざぶちこわして つぎのこと始めよう さあ
そう あの頃なら遠く見えた鳥の場所へ届きそうで
勇気を持ってかかげた誓い 鼻で笑うように流れる世界
駆け抜けよう共にこんな時代 塗り替えるのは僕達の世代
そう一人暗い部屋でうずくまったまま 何もせずにそれじゃ臆病なまま
時間が解決するって言ってそのまま 見て見ぬふりしてるならこのまま
ここに立ってる意義がほしかった だから僕達必死で戦った
勝ちとった 小さなプライドポケットにつめ込んでまたここに立ってみる
さあ 目指す先へ光が差し雲がちぎれ見えたならば
無責任に描いた夢も過去の話 今じゃもう鳴りやまない
時間の波におびえ 逃げ場探す暇さえなく 刻一刻と刻む流れにゆられ
続くのに届くのに 僕は止まったきりで何もせずに
だから僕は自分の意志で歩く 不思議と今は戸惑うことなく
そう あの頃なら遠く見えた鳥の場所へ届きそうで
14.Grateful Days
Turn up radio そう今日も聞こえるよ 風に揺られ流れるStereo
肩で刻む軽快なRhythm 想いをのっけて届けるよRhyme
よく晴れた空の真下 僕らは遥かな未来目指しました
Master Key 握り締め出発 雑踏の中Kick down一発
今想う闘いの日々 感謝するごとに溢れ出す慈悲
しのぎを削ったあの攻防戦 今なお続くここは最前線
父から得た揺るぎない誇り 母がくれた大きないたわり
キミにもらう温かいぬくもり 明日への糧に生き抜くために
I got sound.I got feel. I got beautiful days
I got song. I got love. I got grateful days
I got it
You makes me happy,when sky's gray
Darling,my darling
Thank you father,mother,and my friend
俺は東京生まれHIP HOP育ち 悪そうな奴は大体友達
悪そうな奴と大体同じ 裏の道歩き見てきたこの街
渋谷 六本木 そう思春期も早々に これにぞっこんに
そこらじゅうで幅をきかすDON DADA
そうこの地この国に生を授かり Jahに無敵のマイク預かり
仲間たち親たちファンたちに 今日も感謝して進む荒れたオフロード
I got sound.I got feel. I got beautiful days
I got song. I got love. I got grateful days
I got it
You makes me happy,when sky's gray
Darling,my darling
Thank you father,mother,and my friend
日出ずる国に僕ら生まれ育ち 今こうして踏みしめる大地
常に開く新しいPage 旅に出ようそれぞれのStage
ここに綴る歓びと感謝 共に奏でる真の理解者
つつみ隠さず時代を描写 Pressureはねのけて乱反射
注ぎ込もう溢れ出す感情 いつの日にも絶やさない愛情
ひるむことなく飛び込む戦場 枯れることなく咲く百合の紋章
やさしい風ぬける昼下がり 虹がのぞいたこんな雨上がり
陽の光映した水たまり 日々の歓びここに賛美
この胸の高鳴りを 歌にのせて
日々ここにあるもの この手に感じて
I got sound.I got feel. I got beautiful days
I got song. I got love. I got grateful days
I got it
You makes me happy,when sky's gray
Darling,my darling
Thank you father,mother,and my friend